The Quality of Official Development Assistance– Aid Effectiveness isn’t Dead Yet
The Quality of Official Development Assistance (QuODA) measures and compares providers of official development assistance (ODA) on quantitative indicators that matter most to development effectiveness and quality. It aims to encourage improvements to the quality of ODA by highlighting and assessing providers’ performance.
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Join us for a presentation from the Center for Global Development Team on the Quality of Official Development Assistance (QuODA) report, as they break down and detail the indicators and methodology that allows us to more accurately understand the effectiveness of aid.
QuODA uses agency and country-level indicators to assess 49 aid providers of over $150 billion by measuring four equally weighted dimensions: Prioritisation, Ownership, Transparency & Untying and Evaluation.
The rational behind the dimensions are:
Prioritisation: measures how well allocations are targeted to respond to long-term development challenges.
Ownership: captures how well providers work with and through partner countries to promote domestic ownership and use of national systems.
Transparency and untying: measures the timeliness and comprehensiveness of reporting on ODA activities and whether procurement is tied to domestic contractors.
Evaluation: Assesses the quality of providers’ learning and evaluation systems.
The report asserts that out of the largest providers of aid, the UK ranks 16th in aid providers. Also, scoring in the bottom third on ownership reported by its partners and ranks just outside the top 10 on the other three dimensions. Members will be presented with a breakdown of these statistics and be provided with a better understanding of where key improvements can be made under each dimension.
Join us to find out more and take part in the discussion.