This Tuesday, British Expertise International’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Working Group were delighted to launch their first report: Beyond Boundaries: The Role of UK-Based Organisations in Advancing Global Gender Equality and Social Inclusion.
The report outlines the important role UK-based organisations play in delivering programmes and activities designed to tackle issues which limit GESI around the world. The report not only provides a foundational understanding of the issues and problems faced by the many marginalised members of society but also offers a proposed framework around which these issues can be tackled, challenged, and addressed.
The paper is designed to provide a foundational understanding of the issues and problems faced by marginalised members of society and the ways in which these can be tackled and changed with a GESI lens to development. It does this through firstly providing a definition of GESI and a glossary of key terms followed by a chapter which situates GESI across five core global challenge themes including: health, humanitarian, education, climate change, and economic empowerment.
The report then offers a proposed framework to support effective implementation of, and impactful change in, GESI. The four key framework pillars are: Strategic Alignment, Inclusive Approach, Operational Rigour, and Measuring Impact of which our members are mapped against in a useful table. Finally, contributors each provided a short case study of best practice which brings to life the transformational and positive impact of the work they do in GESI.
Our aim for this report is to support a wide range of stakeholders and influencers in the UK and internationally with context and a reference point around both the subject of GESI and the outstanding capabilities of UK-based organisations in implementing their programmes.
It was an honour to come together and celebrate the launch of the report with so many brilliant organisations and individuals who share the same passion for creating positive and long-lasting change to the lives of so many marginalised groups around the world.
The report is publicly accessible and available to view on our website here.
Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you to all those who contributed their work to the report, and we look forward to continuing our engagement around this important topic through future initiatives.