BEI Weekly Update
Jul 12, 2024

BEI Weekly Update - 12th July 2024

Dear Members and Friends, 

In the UK, the new Government has been quick off the mark, with the announcement of the new Cabinet and other Ministerial appointments, some important domestic announcements on infrastructure and renewable energy along with the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington for the NATO Summit and some interesting language on the desire to strengthen ties with the EU. As they begin setting out their detailed plans, we are working with our networks in Government and beyond to understand the new landscape so that we can find the best ways to promote the contribution British expertise can make to the UK’s international priorities and challenges. 

In the meantime, we welcomed members on Tuesday to the last in our Climate Showcase series. With the support of BEI member Fathom, we held a well-attended panel discussion on “Challenges in Accessing Climate Risk Data in Emerging and Developing Countries”. Speakers included: Anne Chataigné, Senior Programme Manager, Adaptation and Resilience at IIGCC; Karena Vaughan, Head of Climate Risk and ESG at Fathom; and Luke Thompson, Climate Finance Lead, Emerging Markets at Arup. The discussion explored how innovative partnerships across technical and financial expertise can support stakeholders in emerging and developing countries in accessing climate risk data. We’re most grateful to Fathom. 

Yesterday, I was pleased to meet with HRH Prince Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UK along with a few members to understand the background to the country’s ambitious growth plans and especially the potential for new entrants to the market. Later in the year, we plan to support members in specific sectors to engage further with Saudi Arabia; please let me know if you wish to discuss. 

Next Wednesday, in his latest online session, our Senior Adviser Nick Forbes will take as his theme “Net Zero – the new economy for bad business?” Net Zero is now part of the mainstream debate in national politics and, as a result, the agenda is becoming more contested. What does this mean for the changing role of business in helping to meet  Net Zero targets, and what does Labour’s ambition for the UK to be a ‘Net Zero Superpower’ mean in practice? In this session Nick will explore Labour’s approach to Net Zero, including the interplay between Net Zero and Labour’s fiscal policies.

On a very related theme, on Tuesday evening our sister organisation the British Foreign Policy Group (BFPG) in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) are holding a panel event on ‘Perceptions, Interests and Fears: British and European Public Opinion on the Climate Crisis’. In a year of elections, public opinion is having a defining impact on governments’ willingness to lead in solving the international climate crisis. But what do the public really think? And where does the future lie for international climate leadership? A panel of leading climate policy experts will explore the current state of the public debate on climate change, and how the UK’s stance on climate change affects the UK’s broader international role.

To attend, please RSVP by responding to, or by registering at:

For those interested in safeguarding, the FCDO, as part of their Early Market Engagement, will be holding on 23 July an event to discuss the design of two new programmes, with opportunities for Q&A. Further details can be found through the links below, including on how to register.

Empowering Survivors of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment:

Building Organisational Capability to Safeguard Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment:

Finally, I wanted to highlight some new independent research commissioned by our member RM Assessment. The research, conducted in May in the UK Australia New Zealand Canada and Singapore, explores accreditors’, markers’ and learners’ current experiences and their perceptions of the future of assessment. Among the key findings were that:

  • 64% of learners said they would be more likely to choose a course if it were assessed digitally. This was the view of 56% of Secondary Education (ages 11-18) and 65% of Higher Education learners.
  • 72% of learners feel they should have access to digital assessment platforms for up to two years before taking high-stakes exams digitally.
  • 78% of learners assert that over half of their work is digital.

As Governments, awarding bodies and educational institutions think about the next steps in learning and assessment, this research will be valuable in ensuring that the techniques and technologies adopted are future-proof. 

Looking slightly closer to the future, I wish you all an enjoyable (and I hope sunny) weekend,

David Landsman 

Executive Chairman

British Expertise International 

Recordings of recent past events:

Key events coming up include the following:

  • 17th July 2024 16:00 - 17:00 BST: Net Zero – the new economy or bad for business? - Net Zero is now part of the mainstream debate in national politics. As a result, it is also becoming a more contested agenda. What does this mean for the changing role of business in helping the UK achieve its Net Zero targets, and what does Labour’s ambition for us to be a ‘Net Zero Superpower’ mean in practice? In this session Nick will explore Labour’s approach to Net Zero, including the interplay between Net Zero and Labour’s fiscal policies.
  • 18th July 202412:00 - 13:00 BST: Water Resilience Working Group - The UK has a distinctive offer and world-leading expertise in sustainable and climate-resilient water services. This group, in partnership with UK government, IFIs and other key stakeholders, aims to define that offer and leverage it to increase exports.
  • 25th July 2024 10:30 – 14:00 BST: Creating a National Blueprint to Address the Skills Gap - This workshop will explore, with members, the optimal approach to help ensure a National Industrial Strategy is linked to a regional and local model and pipeline of effective skills development. The workshop will form the foundation for a short report to be launched in Autumn to help decision makers at all levels deploy resources and plans effectively in this critical area.
  • 3rd September 2024 11:00 – 14:00 BST: Skills & Training WG: Skills - Sectoral Approach - Our September Skills & Training Working Group will look at the importance of taking a sectoral and thematic approach to international skills provision. This session will be led by Jonathan Ledger CMgr FCMI, Skills and Professional Bodies Specialist at the Department for Business and Trade(DBT) and new Expert Adviser to BEI’s Working Group; and Jane Rexworthy, FInstLM, Chartered FCIPD, Executive Director at People 1st International and Chair of the UK Skills Partnership (UKSP).
  • 17th September 2024 16:00 – 19:00 BST: Climate Change Networking Evening - Join us for an evening of thought-provoking conversation, potential new partnerships and the chance to meet with members of our Climate Change Working Group.
  • 26th September 2024 14:30 – 16:30 BST: Scaling Infrastructure Decarbonisation Through Digital in Emerging Markets - EBRD Green Cities, Connected Places Catapult and Mott MacDonald will explore how the UK’s leadership in digitally-driven infrastructure decarbonisation can be effectively adapted and scaled in emerging markets. By exploring insights from the technical, funding, and government spheres, attendees will gain actionable ideas to accelerate decarbonisation efforts within their organisations and client networks.

Register for an upcoming event →

External Events

  • 5th August 2024 09:00 – 11:15 BST: Navigating the Future: Exploring Opportunities in the Ethiopian Ports and Logistics Sector - Join the DBT for a webinar designed to showcase the export and investment opportunities in the Ethiopian ports and logistics sector for UK businesses. This event will feature insightful presentations from government officials, industry experts, and foreign businesses already operating within the sector. The webinar will provide a platform for UK companies to ask questions, network, and connect with relevant stakeholders and potential future business partners.

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